I was alerted to a very small batch (12 bottles) of Rogue’s VooDoo Doughnut special release being available at our local Private Liquor Store, Cascadia. Timing was perfect as I was heading past there on the way from work. Snagged a bottle. Have to be honest about my Bias though, it’s not that I lack an open-mindness to willingly try new “mash-ups”, I have never been one of these people who is not willing to do so, and look forward to the experience, but sadly much of them do not live up to an experience that creates a need for a repeat. Of course some do, like grilled cheese and peanut butter sandwiches… trust me incredible. That said many of the attempts to marriage non-traditional flavours to traditional brews fail, for me. Well’s and Young’s Banana Bread Beer, released at the beginning of the year springs to mind, sorry just does not work for me. Many fruit beers also suffer, Cannery Breweries Blackberry Porter is one that excels in a mouth bursting come together.  Just wanted to be upfront about a possible bias I may have.
Rogue Breweries have a brilliant reputation, with a range of brews and hard liquor that would make a larger brewery/Distiller shy away in shame. From the Dead Guy to Imperial IPA’s and Stouts. A bucket list of must try’s (and try and try agains). Started in 1988 in Ashland then quickly moving/expanding to Newport, it’s a great story you can read here.
Anyway on to the tasting, you cannot begin without saying something about the bottle itself, if anything screamed out Doughnut, this bottle would be that. Sadly though it left one expectant about the contents being the same vibrant colour, although not sure I would really want my Ale to look like Baja Rosa. 😉
Once opened, you can smell the Doughnut Factory in all its Candied glory, Maple and Yes even Bacon waft in the senses, honestly didn’t think that together would be as nice smelling  or as inviting as it is. I am really going to have to make my way to VooDoo Doughnut next time I am down there, for one of their VooDoo Dolls or Maple Bacon Bars.  The pour itself further release the sweetness, the colour was a copper slightly darker than a traditional Ale, little head, which dissipated fairly quick, as you would expect from the lighter beers (Ale). The taste, well while the maple and smoky Apple-wood bacon were present and accounted for, the sweetness seemed to overpower this, and sadly, take away from the tasting. As a dessert Ale to be shared this is brilliant, but only in smaller doses. A great conversation drink, but I think most people will spend more time talking about the bottle and ingredients than praising the Ale itself.
Not on my Try again list.