Winter Ale – Swans/Buckerfield’s Victoria BC

Swan Buckerfield’s Brewery:

Buckerfield Brewpub known as Swan’s has been a favourite Sunday afternoon haunt for me for many years. Nothing finer than walking the downtown core/Harbour doing some serious people watching, then stopping in at Swans for a 6 half glass sampler before heading home. In the summer the patio has its windows wide open and its really a great place to sit with a few friends over a couple of glasses. Yesterday was one of those days I was glad the windows were shut tightly, with a cold Arctic window bringing it down to -2. It was a great day to give their “Winter Ale” a try.

The colour was a reddish Tan but not what I would call a dark beer. The aroma was very inviting, a mix of winter spices and hops. A very light beer swishing around in the glass. The first taste, Orange, Cinnamon and nutmeg, complimented by a slight bitter taste. Unfortunately the flavour dissipates quickly and there is nothing to replace it. No body or length of Character. A little disappointing as this Brewhouse does such incredible craft work like their Gold Medal Winner “Coconut Porter”, their always on Oatmeal Stout, and a limited in pub only “Espresso Porter” (which contained 4000 shots of Espresso.).

If your looking for a quality Winter Ale, I would stick with Howe Sound’s Father John’s Winter Ale, which is as nice at the start as it is a few minutes after your last sip.

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